Sure enough, the phone rang this morning bright and early! But my mom only sang the opening bars of "Happy Birthday" instead of the whole song. When my dad called, he only sang the opening bars too. And my sister didn't sing at all. I think they think we're all getting a little too old for it, but it didn't feel quite right not to listen to everyone sing the WHOLE thing. I typically sing the whole song with great feeling when I call people to wish them a happy birthday--especially if I get an answering machine. If the person answers, I still sing the whole song, but much, much faster.
Thought I'd share my birthday booty. My mom knows how much I love roosters and chickens--but only pretend ones. For some reason, I'm terrified of them in real life. I can look at them from afar, but chickens running loose in Kauai sends me running away! Anyway, Mom gave me this rooster family painting that I saw at her antiques store when we were there at Christmas. It makes me smile.
When she was here the week before last, she also brought me these tiny roosters. I'm sorry the picture is so blurry--they're small, no bigger than a penny, and made of some kind of metal. I imagine they came from a child's farm set and I'd love to have the rest of the animals that go along with them. Maybe I'll have to check ebay.
My friend Emily sent me this wonderful felted bag. It's such a fun shape; I've carried it around all afternoon wondering what perfect thing I can put in it. Inspiration will come always does!
My sister bought me new knobs for my office armoire at Anthropologie. The armoire is from IKEA and had really boring black knobs. The new ones are red roses and make the whole piece seem new again. I love the knobs at Anthropologie--and the big painted boards they put a bunch on for display. Maybe I'll have to steal the idea and find a space that needs some art.
Emma was a trooper today and ran all kinds of errands with me. We wandered through Wal-Mart and found little bunnies and bunny villages for 97 cents each. Can't beat that. We looked for shoes (unsuccessfully--I just bought some at Zappos though, so birthday shoes will be had, just a few days late!) and bought some apple green wool so I can knit myself some ballet style slippers. We even wandered through a couple of antique stores in downtown Carlsbad. We found two more bunnies and a vintage Easter postcard.
We're off to have birthday dinner in an hour or so. We're going to Buca de Beppo for spaghetti and pizza with another family. They are one of those rare families you find where everyone matches up just right--or very nearly so. They do have a boy (we don't), but he and his dad and Toben all surf together and love to talk basketball and music. And their daughter and Audrey are older than my little Emma, but they do a good job of including her in whatever they're doing. So it will be fun for everyone. I'm afraid Toben told the restaurant that it's my birthday and I'm dreading the singing waiters, but I'll be a good sport since the kids will all things it's hilarious!
I'm sorry I didn't sing the whole thing.....Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Joanne....Happy Birthday to you!
Posted by: Little Sister | March 16, 2006 at 07:53 PM