In my memories, Sundays smell like pot roast. For most of my childhood, we'd come home from church on Sunday mornings to a house that smelled like heaven. There's almost nothing better than the smell of a roast cooking!
While I do like to cook, I don't usually cook Sunday dinner. We typically go out for brunch in Del Mar instead and eat our eggs benedict overlooking the ocean. Not a bad Sunday tradition! But I have such wonderful memories of Sunday afternoons as a child that I'm going to give Sunday dinners a shot. I set the table last night with my grandmother's china and our wedding crystal and put a roast in the oven before we left for church this morning. Sure enough, we came home to a house that smelled just like Sundays should.
I made gravy from a roux, just as my mother taught me, steamed some broccoli and cauliflower, and roasted some red potatoes in the oven. (I love roasted red potatoes--I could eat them every day and never get tired of them!) Audrey dried the dishes I washed, and then she and I made a strawberry sauce for the angel food cake. Yum...
I tried to lay down for a nap, but it was ill-fated. The phone rang; the girls needed my help; my mind raced. So I got up and made this chocolate bunny. Isn't he cute? I think I'll make some more out of some other kinds of fabric, but can't decide if he needs arms. This one is made out of some felt I found in my stash. His tail and eyes are made of lots of French knots, which I think are such fun to make. I finally got the hang of it a couple of Christmases ago when I made a bag for my mom and embroidered a sheep on the front, made entirely of French knots.
I think the next bunnies may need to have something weighted at the bottom too. This one leans against things, but doesn't stand up on his own very well. I think they should stand up so I can have a whole family of bunnies marching across my mantel. I'll have to dig into my fabric stash and see what I can find--I'm pretty sure there are enough scraps from fabrics I've used in the living room for pillows and such.
oooh...I am going to copy and make a chocolate Easter bunny for Baby Anne. Your blog is so inspiring. I can't wait to try some of these great craft ideas. I'm so glad your sister emailed me your link! I've already been passing it along to my other friends. How do you find time to do all these wonderful projects, write, fufill motherly duties, and enjoy the "simple" life? I guess I will have to buy your book as soon as it's in print!
Posted by: Janna | March 27, 2006 at 01:11 PM