Thursdays are typically full days for me. I went to Bible study this morning and then met Terri at Michaels to get supplies for our Brownie meeting tomorrow after school. I picked up Emma from school, then we went back to Terri's house and spent a couple of hours planning Brownie stuff. Emma and I ran to the grocery store and finally made it home a little before four o'clock. Phew!
Terri loaned me the book Princess: A True Story of Life Behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia by Jean Sasson. I picked it up before dinner and haven't been able to put it down. It's astounding to me that women today live lives like this--without rights, at the mercy of the men in their lives, and filled with so much emptiness. Sultana, the princess whose life story is told, comments that the wealth of Saudi Arabia is the undoing of its people--because there is no need to work or strive for wealth, young people are bored and unhappy and unfulfilled. I can't help but see some similarities to life in America--or at least life here in So. Cal.
Several times in the past few days the idea of not valuing what you don't have to strive or work for has come up in different conversations I've had. That when we don't have to work for something we don't value it. In these conversations we've wondered about wanting to provide for our children and yet teaching them to learn the value of working for things at the same time. Definitely a balancing act.
It's always fascinating to me when the same idea pops up all over the place.
Not a very exciting or crafty post tonight...I'm going to go finish this book; I only have one chapter left to go.