The Swiss Family Robinson is on television tonight. I love this movie and have from the first time I saw it when...well I can't remember when! Here's one of those rare movies I do like as much as the book. Of course, the book is MUCH better than the movie--reading it allows you so much more insight into how they survived and made things like rubber boots and the kitchen sink made out of a sea turtle shell. In the book, they have more than one house--one is even part of a salt mine if I remember correctly.
But the movie is great too and I have a fun memory of laying in bed at The Cypress Inn in Carmel early one morning and watching this movie while eating cheese danish and drinking freshly squeezed OJ. It was one of the trips we took back to Carmel to celebrate our anniversary before we had kids.
I was so disappointed when they turned the Swiss Family Treehouse into Tarzan's Treehouse at Disneyland. It's just not the same.
Anyway, I've always wanted to be part of this family and ride around on an ostrich and swing on vines like they do in the movie. Not to mention live in a treehouse. Can you even imagine how wonderful that would be? (Yes, I'm choosing to ignore the giant snake that shows up on the beach in the book and in the river in the movie! It's my little fantasy, so I'll edit at will.)
I'm going to make a sock dog while I watch the movie to help keep myself awake. (I am NOT a night person!) Ever since I bought the Holiday 2002 issue of Martha Stewart Kids I've wanted to try making one. In my defense for waiting so long, I don't ever wear socks--except to the gym--so I don't really have any spare socks to cut up for little sock dogs. (Really, I can't remember the last time I wore socks. It must have been while visiting Colorado and snow!) But I bought some socks today while I was at Target, and I'm ready!
Early this morning, I looked out Audrey's window and there was a fat, little Easter bunny sitting in the grass under our tree. I think the Easter eggs hanging from the tree brought him! He was so cute and small and round and furry and soft-looking--I tried to take a picture, but the flash kept bouncing off the glass and he hopped away when I opened the garage door. I think I'll go toss some carrots into the grass before I forget!
P.S. Today's vocabulary word is gregarious, but I've already used it twice in the last week--in regard to sheep.