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It sounds so lovely to be at home, and your trip sounds lovely as well.

The only time I have ever met an amish person, a family actually, was at the tour for our organic farm share last summer. The amish family (who actually left the amist to become something else, their own famiy thing, because they disagreed with something about the amish) grew some stuff for our farmer.

I was acually quite surprised tht the wife talk to me a lot as long as her husband wasn't around. She asked me about my education, if I was a stay at home mom, told me what her life was like. She seemed kind of sad that she didn't have much of an education and that her girls wouldn't either. She was also very impressed (weird, but that's the best way to describe it) that the two children I had borne were sons. She had eight children and only one was a boy. It was a very interesting day. I wish I could have been pen-pals with her, she was so interesting.


I just came across your blog today. What great photos! I'm so glad for you that you're going to be back near your family in CO soon, but north county just won't be the same. Thanks for sharing your wonderful girls and family with Will and I during your time here. :-)


Regarding the Newberry Award winners, check this out and see if you're interested:

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