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Hi there... I just tripped across your blog while looking at the tie-on-one submissions. I immediately got goosebumps with the oceanic view behind you... and began feeling forlorn. It looked so familiar.

My story's similar to yours - I just moved from San Diego (Rancho Bernardo) as well, to the Midwest (Kansas). Husband got RIF'd. Mortgage was huge. We moved to make some positive changes in our lives (pretty much financially based) and to be close to family. Anyway, I started to get excited about living at the beach through your blog, as it seems your always there! And, then I realized you're leaving it behind as well.

Just wanted to say, that it does indeed suck to leave that behind. I miss San Diego and the beach every day. But, overall our changes have been extremely positive. It seems like you're seeking the same goals, and I wish you very well! Good luck...(and wallow on that beach all you can before you leave it for good). My daughter still gets excited when seeing bodies of water here (she's only two) and exclaims "BEEEEACH" when she sees rivers, ponds, and streams. It's just not the same...but it's still really, really good. I hope you find peace in your move, and realize the best for your family.

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