...to buy milk. I went to the store to buy milk and Softscrub. I went to the store to buy milk, Softscrub, and fruit.
I went to the grocery today to buy just those three things and came home with all this:
And without the Softscrub. Oops. Don't ya hate it when that happens?
On the plus side, I also came home with this:
An itty-bitty loaf of bread--cocktail bread from the deli. Emma is...well, hmm...particular about what I pack in her lunch. She likes bread, she likes ham, but she doesn't like to eat sandwiches. But she loves her American Girl dolls and this bread is exactly the size for a doll sandwich.
"Isn't this cool, Emma? Won't it be fun to have doll-sized sandwiches in your lunchbox?" I implore.
She seemed really excited;we'll see if her enthusiam lasts until lunchtime on Thursday when she goes to school again. If not, Audrey's pretty excited about little sandwiches in her lunch.
Packing lunches is one of my least favorite mommy jobs. It's hard to come up with stuff they'll eat in the time allotted, food that they like to eat that's also good for them. I do have a vintage cookbook just for packed lunches in a box somewhere...it's been a while since I've even looked through it. Once we get settled in our new house, I'll have to see what else I can come up with to tempt Emma.
Well, I'm impressed with your itty bitty bread choice.
And it makes my head hurt when I get a bunch of stuff at the store that's not on the list, and forget things that are. Argh!
Posted by: capello | August 30, 2006 at 07:35 AM