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I sometimes need to be on the move like the stay fully dependent on God. Auston is so good at reminding me that adventures breed faith and being complacent (not that I can picture you as that!) can sometimes breed's good food for thought for my little heart that likes routines and schedules, to do lists and things checked off and completed! (Not that those are bad, but God does like to stretch me on growing edges quite often!) I'll be praying for that home waiting for you to will be a beauty and it does have a perfect reading/crafting spot with your name on it...I know it!


You are too sweet! I'm glad we finally got to hang out, too! Meanwhile, I know what you mean about being patient about the house thing. I find myself (all too often) being so impatient about the next big thing to happen that I don't enjoy the here and now. Think of it as an extended vacation with no house to clean...And God will provide above and beyond!

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