My taste in books goes to extremes. (I've been an all or nothing, extreme gal for most of my life. I can hear my parents urging "Moderation!" in my ear without trying too terribly hard!)
On the one hand, I love trashy novels. Bodice rippers...preferably with pirates. They're enjoyable at the time, but don't leave much lasting impression. Truth be told, they make me feel unsatisfied with my life--that it's too boring, too dull, too normal.
On the other hand, I love reading great novels. Stories that leave me feeling content, uplifted, and full. Books that give me things to think about--whether historical, spiritual, or psychological. Books that make me want to learn more about a character, an idea, or a place.
I went to the library the other day and found two books in the Mitford series by Jan Karon that I'd not read: Light from Heaven and In This Mountain. I love this series of books. I first read them shortly after Audrey was born--within days of her birth in fact. I remember reading them while propped up in bed, Audrey sound asleep next to me, putting the books down when it was time to nurse.
I love Father Tim's character--his daily struggles, his incredible knowledge of Scripture, his delight in the people who surround him, and his faith in the prayer that never fails.
We haven't begun to look for a church yet. I think we're waiting until we get moved in, settled, and are ready to give it the time and energy such a search deserves. I would go to Father Tim's church for certain, if Mitford were within a 30-minute drive!
I especially love books that make me reach for a pen to underline something. The Mitford books are full of great things to mark in and of themselves, but are also full of wonderful quotes from other authors. I didn't underline in these since they belong to the library, but I did mark a few things to copy down for later:
He'd always rather liked a ringing doorbell. One never knew what surprise or even amazement might be waiting. It was a great deal like mail in that regard.
"If you would tell me the heart of a man, tell me not what he reads but what he rereads." Francois Mauriac
"We're always getting ready to live, but never living." Churchill
"Live deep instead of fast." Henry Canby
"You know, Timothy, you have a gift for doing that--for making people into family again." Cynthia to Father Tim
If you haven't read them, I can't recommend these books enough!
Oooh. "We're always getting ready to live, but never living." I thought I'd heard most of Churchill, but this is a newby to me. This so sums up my life! I'm going to blog on that one. Thanks for the inspiration!
Posted by: Bec Hamblin | September 06, 2006 at 06:16 PM
I love the Mitford series. I lost all of mine last year because of the hurricane, but have read them and reread them. Got my Gran hooked on them and my mother when she was still with us. We would just pass them around, back and forth. I could use a good Mitford book.... so spiritual without trying... I need some peace in my life these days! I see a trip to the bookstore coming. I want to live on Wisteria Lane. I always have, ever since the first book. (not the one on ABC, it would be good for the bodice ripping though) I also love, LOVE the Churchill quote. I have been waiting on purchasing new furniture parts after loosing it all last year... I guess I have been waiting to live as well. Well, (hand on hip, nod of the head) time to get on with the living!!!!! Thanks!!! Good luck on the "diet"... I think we are all struggling with those summer pounds!!!!
Posted by: Emily | September 07, 2006 at 11:20 AM