Here are the last days from the Advent boxes.
And merry Christmas! For the first time in ages we had a white Christmas. While today has been merry and bright, last night looked like this just before we left for the Christmas Eve service.
I suppose we didn't really need the snowflakes we put in the window after all!
After the Christmas Eve service, Mom and Dad came over for soup and salad and bread, followed by yummy cookies made for Santa. Everyone went to bed and I stayed up to listen to The Night of the Child in front of the Christmas tree. (This is my favorite Christmas/Advent CD to listen to. Robert Benson does readings on Advent and there is beautiful harp music--you can't help but think of the angels who appeared to Mary and Joseph. I can't remember where I got my copy, but I've since bought other copies at Amazon.) I made it about halfway through before falling asleep a few times. I'll finish it tonight after everyone goes to bed.
For the first time ever, we spent Christmas day with just the four of us. We'll go to Mom and Dad's in the morning to celebrate with my whole family. Since Kristen and Wade have never spent Christmas day with Wade's family, I suppose it was time for us to let them have a turn!
We got up and Audrey read the Christmas story to us and then we opened presents to and from each other. We had Christmas brunch--eggs benedict. The girls played and we watched movies and knitted.
Audrey learned to single crochet and made a scarf for her doll.
I taught Emma to knit and she made a scarf for her doll too.
I broke my policy against making things that come in pairs (somehow I have a hard time making the second one!) and began some wrist warmers since my new coat has 3/4-length sleeves. I finished one and have even started on the second one, so perhaps I'm making progress!
And before I forget, here are some of the highlights from the cruise...dancing with Papa!
No way! That dress Audrey's wearing was my oldest daughter's Easter dress this year. :) (Oh, your girls do look so thin from being sick--but sooooo pretty!)
Posted by: Marla Taviano | December 25, 2006 at 09:05 PM
Love the pictures. Such lovely scarves your daughters knit! How did you teach your them to crochet and Knit? I do basic knitting and haven't seemed to master crocheting - would love to. Much to my daughers disappointment I have not been successful in teaching her to knit with needles or crochet! Last year I bought her the knitting rings (Knifty knitter) and she has knit a few scarfs and hats on that but she wants to knit with needles. What's your secret???
Posted by: Erin | December 27, 2006 at 07:36 PM