We made it home tonight, with only a one-hour flight delay out of Orange County. The girls were great, Ava napped, and all the luggage arrived.
I love coming home; I think it's just about the best part of taking a trip. And it's especially nice to come home after this trip. The cruise was fun, but being quarantined and then needing a day or two after that before we really felt well enough to eat more than something bland meant that we really didn't have the best cruise experience. (Toben managed to escape the bug entirely and loved the whole trip. He's ready to cruise again any time; I think I need a while before attempting it again!)
The sea was totally rough yesterday and last night--force 8 gale winds. And even though we're not on board, the floor keeps moving on me. Mom and Kristen felt it all day too, but none of the guys are having trouble getting their land legs back. Must be a girl thing...
Yes, coming home is nice. Coming home to three feet of snow in the driveway is not! And being obsessive compulsive and needing to shovel all that snow before going to bed is even less nice. I swear, if I gained any weight on the cruise, I lost it in the hour I spent in the driveway! But Joanne is right, there is nothing like coming home...
Posted by: Toben | December 23, 2006 at 10:26 PM