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That is so funny...I am reading it too...some things work, others don't quite flesh out in our family. But, like you, I am finding that I am challenged to work towards all 5 languages each day with the kids and it truly does reap rewards! Hopefully, they can see past my very imperfect love and somehow use it to see God's unfailing and fully complete love! Just finished "The Road to Daybreak" by Henri Nouwen...lots of amazing, soul-seaching stuff that has stripped away the noise and chaos of my world through spiritual eyes. It's helped me focus on the very clear and amazing love God has for me if (and this is a huge IF) I can only walk away from the clatter of the world. Dog gone thorns in my side!!!! I feel as though I often have whole brambles strung all over giant snarl of sin that frustrates me and seems to hang on...hmmmmm...leaves much room for grace and prayer in this little 'ol mommy!


another book?! wow, you are rockin'!

Holly Smith

You're right Joanne! We live on Saber Creek off of Kitchener...hee hee! I look forward to checking out your blog. Have a great week!

Holly Smith

After reading a good bit...I think you have a great outlook on life and really enjoyed the Backyardigans band-aid story! glad that Beth blessed you this weekend. I was praying for God to be Big for each attender--sounds like so many received a life changing Word. Glory! I can say that 'cause I'm from Texas-hee hee! I love the castle and knight part, too.
Again have a blessed week in the Lord! I love to read, so I look forward to reading your books. I also like to write, but just journalling for now.
Blessings in Him,

Erin S

Thanks for sharing about the book with us Joanne. Danielle and I have been "butting heads" lately too. So it Sounds like it might come in handy in our household. Danielle seems to be going through some sort of struggle right now and I just can't seem to communicate effectively with her. I will have to check out that book. Regardless we are going to spend some quality one-on-one time this weekend. Not sure what we will do or where we will go, but I think we need to reconnect!


Sounds like an interesting book... I have always wanted to look into reading The Five Love Languages for couples but didn't know they had one about children. Did you find that this book can cover all relationships even though the title mentions children?


Love your blog Joanne....I agree with you on this book- it was eyeopening and so helpful and also opened my eyes to understand myself more as well!


Wow. I found your blog as I was searching for the author of the quote, "If you would tell me the heart of a man, tell me not what he reads but what he rereads." for my Spring Reading Challenge post.
I am amazed. It would appear as though we have a lot of common interests from books to hobbies. I also live in Denver!
I am so looking forward to spending time here on your blog. Feel free to come over for a visit. Lately, the blog has been pretty heavy on tea subjects, but I am ruminating on so many other things to write about. I am also very curious to find out about your books.
(BTW-The Happy Holisters are my Sweetheart's favorite childhood books.)
So nice to "meet" you!

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