Here's the link for my interview yesterday if you missed it and want to listen. It's Living Simply (1/31).
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Loved the radio program. It resonated with me big time. As a former stay-at-home mom who is now juggling life as a working mom, I need to learn to live simply. I just downscaled to a four day work week......I'm on my way!
Posted by: The NON-Superwoman | February 01, 2007 at 11:46 AM
I'm listening to your interview while I comment on your blog. Is that okay? (teehee) You have the sweetest voice--love it. Is it your real one? (Gabe accuses me of phone voice, radio voice...) You're inspiring me again, friend!
Posted by: Marla Taviano | February 01, 2007 at 12:41 PM
I just listened to your interview, as living simply is a life style I strongly believe in. It was really neat to put a voice to your blog/face, just what I would imagine you to sound like. You are so eloquent. So many great things I took out of the interview. I need to make Rest a part of my day, especially if I want my kids to rest. I need to stop multi-tasking. I need to learn to say "No" more often and not feel guilty. Most importantly to start each day with God! Thanks Joanne.
Posted by: Erin S | February 02, 2007 at 12:15 AM