The mailman came to my door today to deliver a package from Erin. Look at all the goodies it contained!
A gift bag for the girls with stickers and pencils and paper...and Smarties! I love Smarties. They remind me of living in England. The girls are happily munching away on some while I type. And a great Canadian decorating magazine. I flipped through it quickly and am saving it for later tonight after the girls go to bed.
Inside the wrapped package were these darling coasters. I love them--the floral fabric is so happy and Easter-y and is a much needed reminder that Spring will come someday.
Thank you, Erin, for such a thoughtful gift. It brightened my day!
Your most welcome Joanne. It was fun gettting the package together for you. I am so relieved you like the coasters. I'm also glad the girls enjoyed their loot. Enjoy your night reading :o)
Posted by: Erin S | February 20, 2007 at 08:33 PM
I love this blog!
And even though I've never met Erin, I pretty much love her too. What a thoughtful gift.
Posted by: relevantgirl | February 21, 2007 at 04:10 PM
Hi Joanne - I'm reading your book and stumbled upon your blog. On your projects link you show wooden letters modge-podged with scrapbook paper. I am by no means crafty, but did head to the craft store today. One quick question - did you modge podge over the paper too after it had been glued on? Thanks, God Bless, laura miller
Posted by: laura miller | February 21, 2007 at 05:53 PM