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Marla Taviano

Okay, that's it. We really need to get together one of these days and discuss our kids. Just this morning I wrote on my blog that Livi was being more huggy and affectionate than usual. (And that's usually Ava's deal) I feel like I know Audrey and Emma personally--because I live with them!!


I found a couple sometime last year and yanked them and all surrounding ones out in my haste to remove them. Now they just grow back whiter and brighter :-(


Oh - I hate those white hairs. I have very dark hair and some white hairs have sprouted along my part in the past couple of years. I refuse to color my hair and submit to it 6-8 week salon visits - yet. Once it gets a little worse I will take the plunge and start to color my hair. Ugh.

Erin S

Lucky you. I have too many to speak of so I colour my hair every 6 weeks.

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