Look what I finally did today.
I've been collecting packets of seeds for a while now--from the grocery store, Wal-Mart, and wherever else I happen to be. I finally bought some seed trays last week and got some seeds planted this afternoon in order to get a head start on my garden.
I planted pumpkins--white ones and giant orange ones, beans, sugar snap peas, squash, carrots, sunflowers, and such. And I'm soaking some morning glory seeds overnight to plant tomorrow--scarlet ones and white ones to climb the back fence and the trellis over the back gate.
Once I get some regular potting soil, I'm going to plant some pots full of herbs too.
I'm waiting to put the lettuce and some other herbs directly into the flower boxes around the deck--so it'll be at least another month before those go in.
It was so much fun to play in the dirt...think I'll clean out the front flower beds tomorrow!
yay, garden's! We planted ours a few weeks ago...but got a unexpected cold snap (nothing like CO, though!). Most of it seems fine, though the radishes are growing like CRAZY! This is my first garden, and I think I'm addicted! Glad it's warming up for you!
Posted by: Tess Lee | March 26, 2007 at 09:40 PM
so jealous!
i have spent a few hours the past few days pulling onion grass out of the garden. yes, it's nice to have my hands in the dirt, but digging out something that has narly root systems, grow deep-deep-deep in the ground and smell like onions? no so fun.
Posted by: capello | March 27, 2007 at 06:37 AM
So colorful! Love planting season. I have to go get some compost for the garden today. I am looking forward to seeing your garden through your blog. :)
Posted by: Crystal | March 27, 2007 at 07:02 AM
Watch out for mint...it goes crazy. We used to use it in our tea...yum! We're planting some wildflower seeds tomorrow. 'Glad your time with the girls this weekend went well!
Blessings on you,
Posted by: Holly Smith | March 27, 2007 at 12:08 PM
Sounds like you've been busy Joanne. The weather must have warmed up a bit. I am itching to get into my garden but it's a bit too soon here. BTW... do you remember a while back you had posted about letting go of certain things. Control issues I think it was. I had mentioned a book called "Let Go and Let God". I don't think I gave you the right title at the time. I think I had it reversed. Needless to say, I finally found it. The author is Albert E. Cliffe. A great book really helped me. I think I need it read it again so I can LET GO!
Posted by: Erin S | March 27, 2007 at 01:52 PM
I've been planning my garden as well. I'm not to planting yet as the weather around here is pretty crazy until about Mothers Day! (Do you know it's likely to snow on us tomorrow night here in Denver?)
I've got cilantro, lettuces, arugula, thyme and strawberries up and going from last year. I'm going to do just the two raised beds and my wildflower garden this year to cut back. I'll hardly be able to bend over by mid-summer to work out there!
It sounds like you are feeling better! I'm glad. Hope to get together soon!
Posted by: Kimberly | March 28, 2007 at 04:38 PM