Emma's best friend Hayden is over for lunch today while her mom is volunteering at the bake sale at school. The girls are baking brownies in the Easy Bake Oven and having a ball. It smells good!
I've had one of those weeks where I've felt busy but am not really sure what I've accomplished. One thing I've planned to do each and every day this week is to finish making changes on a book proposal. I really need to get this done and plan to work on it this afternoon, but thought I'd check in first...I haven't fallen off the planet!
I was tagged by my Girl Scout leader to share four things about me:
Four places I've lived:
Carlsbad, CA
Paris, France
Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England
Denver, CO
Four jobs I've had in my life:
Flying W Ranch, Colorado Springs
Training Coordinator, Societe le Bihan, Paris
Salesperson, Family Bookstores
Editor, NavPress Publishing Group
Four movies I'd watch over and over again:
You’ve Got Mail
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Anne of Green Gables
Four of my favorite foods:
Vietnamese food
Roasted potatoes
Four places I'd rather be right now:
I don’t know...I pretty much love being home on a snowy day...but if I had to choose...
Consider yourself tagged...
four places I've lived: Clearwater Florida (home), Waco, TX (college), Cincinnati, OH (pre-married), Chicago, IL (current!)
four job's I've held: Pharmaceutical Rep, Abbott Labs, Marketing Director medical products, Executive Recruiter Russell Reynolds, MOMMY! (favorite job)
Four Movies I'd rewatch: Enchanted April, Gone With The Wind, Anne of Green Gables (the whole series!), BBC version of Pride and Prejudice.
Four of my favorite foods: grits & hot biscuits (you can't separate them), Thai food, oranges, chicken pot pie
Four places I'd rather be right now: hmmmmm..... Clearwater Beach, Vail Valley Colorado, anywhere skiing fresh snow on intermediate slopes!, a great yarn shop with lots to look at!
Four things I'm grateful for: Resurrection Sunday, Sunshine after a cold snowy week, Late afternoon hot coffee, when the friday afternoon schoolbell rings and I go get my girls!
Posted by: Janine longoria | April 13, 2007 at 12:35 PM
four places I've lived: Bryan/ College Station, TX (Texas A&M), Little Rock, AR, Austin, Texas (UT), Brighton, IL
four jobs I've held: Screen printer, Admin Asst., Sales Associate at a women's clothing store, and worked in a cooking/ bridal/ gift store (oh with coffee!)
Four Movies I'd rewatch: Bringing Up Baby, My Fair Lady, Anne of Green Gables, & Sarah Plain and Tall
four favorite foods: shrimp, french bread, lasagne and snap peas
four places I rather be (that I have been to, I have others I'd like to go to): Destin, FL, New York City, Keystone and Dallas/ Ft. Worth
Four things I'm grateful for: Jesus, His forgiveness, quiet, and my family (that's the opposite of quiet :)
Thanks for sharing yours, Joanne. I'm praying for your proposal.
In Him,
Posted by: Holly Smith | April 13, 2007 at 03:58 PM
Hi Joanne, I tried to leave a comment earlier but for some reason it didn't show up. Hmm... I must have deleted it. Anyways, thanks for sharing your list with us. It's always fun to learn something new about a fellow blogger. I am going to join in too but I will post it on my blog. Have a great weekend.
Posted by: Erin S. | April 13, 2007 at 04:45 PM
Hehehe, I'll repost on my blog :) I just saw this and though of you! http://nancydrewgirldetective.stores.yahoo.net/nadrfaforsab.html
Posted by: Tess Lee | April 13, 2007 at 06:19 PM
You worked at the Flying W Ranch? My family loved that place. Okay, okay - I didn't quite love it as much as they did.
Now I'm missing Colorado.
Posted by: Michelle | April 16, 2007 at 10:29 PM