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Marla Taviano

What a beautiful place to get married! And sooooo sweet about Audrey and Emma. I have a bouquet of wildflowers on my table from my girls that I can't stop smelling. You are such a good gift-giver!

Holly Smith

Love the gift you made! You looked pretty enough to be a bride (oh, but Sarah had the bride glow going on, too!). I wish them the best in the Lord. what a beautiful place to get married, lush grass! We're getting some finally. I love Colorado.

Glad you're back, Joanne. I'm enjoying your book. What a wonderful greeting at the airport for you.
Praying for your week!


Looks like a beautiful outdoor wedding... and how wonderful to return on Mother's Day to your sweet girls at the airport!


what a gorgeous place to get married! That's such a great gift idea too! There are plenty of weddings this summer and I'm always looking for ideas!

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