So I've been thinking about humility a lot lately and what that would look like in my life. Praying for God to destroy my pride and breed humility in me.
Let's just say that he answers prayers like that.
I've had a totally humiliating experience today regarding one of my children that may have some long-lasting ramifications. It's embarassing and I pretty much feel sick to my stomach over it.
And, yet, in the midst of it, I'm trying to "embrace the humility" as Beth Moore teaches. To accept it without excuses or arguments. It's okay to hear about it at a conference, but not so much fun to live it out.
Oh, Joanne, I'm sick to my stomach just reading about it! I ask God to humble me often, but I cringe when I do it, because I know from past experience that it probably won't be pretty. I'm always so relieved when I get by with minimal humiliation.
Are you doing okay?? I'm going to pray for you right now!!
Posted by: Marla Taviano | May 07, 2007 at 07:29 PM
No matter what it takes, will matter to our children and their children that these lessons are worked out now. Someday you WILL hear your girls as young adults say, "My Mom is a Godly Woman...she loves the Lord with all her heart...she's humble. I want to be just like her!" Perhaps your steps today will make for less steps for them.
My daughter's teacher called a month ago and said that she had someone forge her warning paper...she's in first grade. At first, I was incredulous...forgery? over a little discipline paper? Of course, then the principal called and said if she had been in middle school, she would be in detention for three days. If she was in high school, that is a felony...yikes!!! I just had to stop my pit in my stomach and thank God that she is just a first grader and we can nip this thing in the bud. My goodness, we really got caught off guard for this one :)
May He do in me those things you learned, too!
I'm glad you posted about it...sorry that it brought quick trials, though. I'm praying for you, Sister!
Posted by: Holly Smith | May 07, 2007 at 08:01 PM
I'll being thinking and praying for your situation Joanne.
Posted by: erin s. | May 08, 2007 at 11:17 AM
we are all human, we all act like asses sometimes. you just have to pick yourself off, dust yourself off, apologize and try to move on.
i'm thinking of you.
Posted by: capello | May 08, 2007 at 11:56 AM
Oh Joanne, please know that you will be in my prayers. I believe that God gave us children, not so that we could solely help them grow up, but so that they could help us grow to be better people as well. Children do have a way of keeping us humble & they all have their moments.
I will share one story with you of one of my most humbling moments (as I said we have all been there). My 3 year old son is very outgoing and very outspoken. One Sunday at church, the only elderly couple in our very young congregation chose to sit behind us. The lady gave Carter some candy and said to him, "next time if you call me Grandma, I'll give you 2 pieces". Carter proceeded to eat his candy and when he finished it, he turned around and said "Grandma, Grandma" very quietly. She didn't answer, she had her eyes closed and was praying (or maybe dozing -- who knows). When he didn't get a response he repeated it a bit louder. I told him to stop and pointed out that she was praying. Carter proceeded to tap her hand and in a conversational volume said, "Dammit Grandma, Wake Up!" Everybody around us gave a chuckle and a look of pity that said "Glad it wasn't my kid". Chris and I were ready to crawl under our chairs. You know what, Grandma gave him 2 pieces of candy and a smile. She said, "Let's keep your mouth full and keep you busy for a bit shall we?!?" Then later she said to me, "I raised 5 kids and we've all been there". Like I said kids do keep us humble!
Posted by: Lisa R-P | May 08, 2007 at 04:59 PM