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My son, Evan, loves to go running for Daniel Cook! He can't stand to miss the end (when the credits go up) and Daniel looses a scoop of chocolate ice cream off his cone. Evan is both intrigued and saddened at the same time with this! He also comes running for Emily Yeung now too.


I'm headed to a week at the Lake of the Ozarks this month! Such a great place... but being so near it, doesn't make me miss CA any less. :(


oh very nice of you ! I read your blog *that I absolutely LOVE* from start, and if only you knew what we had in common ! scary !!! and PS : I'm not sure any of my translations in English makes sense !!!

Holly Smith

Hey Joanne,

I went into the doctor's office yesterday for a cold and by the day's end found out I'm scheduled for a head MRI next Tuesday at 6:45 pm. I've had a hand shaking problem for about 3 I just happened to mention it. so they drew some blood and I guess felt like they needed to schedule this, too. Ahhh, pray for peace of mind, that there is a mind (hee hee) and that there are no problems with said mind :)
Thanks friend!

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