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Lisa R-P

Good Luck with the bag! I have been making some basic tote bags for myself and the kids. It seems like we can never have enough bags for the library, ballet, piano lessons, the farmers market, etc, etc, etc. I found pattern for a cute little bag, but it has a zipper. Zippers completely intimidate me, as does applique! Someday I will be confident enough with my sewing skills to give both of those a try.

Thanks for the tip on the fabric from UO. I'll check it out next time I'm there.


Ah, but it's GOOD news that it was an overestimation on that skirt. It's especially heartbreaking when you think you're skinnier than you are. Ahem...not that it's happened to me, of course. No never. :)

Next year, we'll most definitely compare calendars with you before our Ozarks trip. I'm sorely worried that you'll consume all the custard the week before I arrive! NO FAIR!

Lisa R-P

I am at a loss and thought you might have a creative idea or two that I could borrow. I need to do the childrens sermon (about 5 minutes) at church this Sunday. I am at a complete loss for what to do. Last week we did a short puppet show. I did something with flags last year for Memorial Day weekend. I'm really stumped. Any creative ideas would be welcome.



hey! if you drive though kc stacy and i can meet you somewhere! for coffee or smoothies or something!


We're planning to bring thermoses of tea and scones, so be sure to keep an eye out for us!

Holly Smith

Thanks for praying Joanne. I'm holding together and trusting in Him...but your prayers are precious and I have turned them up to Him in praise!

I just have to must be a wiz at making things. To go and look at the real thing and be able to duplicate it. Wow! You must have the mind and abilities of a designer.

I look forward to getting together sometime soon...I'll keep you posted.

Wish I could think of a good children's sermon. I used to be good at creative ideas, but that segment of my brain is sleeping I think :)
Have a great weekend with your family!

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