I was over reading the Living Proof Ministries blog the other day and Beth asked readers to describe where they meet with God each day. I commented there, but thought I'd share some of what said there, plus a little more.
I meet with God each morning in "my" chair--one I picked up at an antique store that was painted a hideous blue and orange and black. The cushion was old and smelly and covered in scratchy 1970s couch upholstery. Yes, it was that gross. But it had a drop-leaf table attached to one arm that called my name. (I wish I had a "before" picture to share; I'm not sure you can appreciate how cute it is now without having seen its hideous past life!)
I painted it white, added a red mattress ticking cushion, a huge patchwork pillow for a back rest and it's my favorite chair in all the world.
I set the coffee the night before, shuffle downstairs, turn on the coffee, feed the cat, let the dog out, and grab my favorite mug. I sit down, tell God good morning and enjoy a cup of coffee (or two or three) with my Creator.
We talk, study, and plan our day together ("Teach me to number my day aright..." as Moses wrote in Psalm 90). It's my favorite time of day and I can't go for more than a day or two without it. I get grumpy and mean and not very much fun to be around.
While getting up at 5:30 is not always my idea of a good time, it's worth getting up to me. Sleeping in doesn't make up for what I miss by not rolling out of bed and downstairs.
I love that you have an early morning session with God. The little doggie in the background gave me a chuckle :-)
Posted by: The NON-Superwoman | May 04, 2007 at 02:26 PM