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Happy Summer Vacation! We have about 4 1/2 weeks left of school here before our vacation begins. What a beautiful day and a beautiful park for you and your family to enjoy!

Marla Taviano

Those pictures are SO wonderful! What a perfect day, adorable family, beautiful creation! Mmmmmmm....

Holly Smith

You are kidding me! Look at my blog today...I thought of you as we drove through Denver.

How funny!

Holly Smith

Ohhh and I prayed to see Moose! You blessed Girl!

I got interrupted on my last comment, so I came back to read the rest. We went ahead and bought a year pass to the park, so maybe we can meet up sometime.

Have an awesome day! Thanks for praying for me tonight, Joanne.
Love in Him,

Holly Smith

Ohhh and I prayed to see Moose! You blessed Girl!

I got interrupted on my last comment, so I came back to read the rest. We went ahead and bought a year pass to the park, so maybe we can meet up sometime.

Have an awesome day! Thanks for praying for me tonight, Joanne.
Love in Him,


quelles belles photos de famille !
(je suis allée à Sprague Lake également -- et à Dillon aussi : ça me fait drôle de voir tout ça et ces beaux endroits me manquent !)
Je vous souhaite à tous de très bonnes vacances d'été (ici elles commencent en juillet seulement) Nous avons eu un mois de mai très pluvieux et attendons le soleil avec espoir et impatience !
PS : elles sont magnifiques tes filles, Joanne !!

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