The Paris Street Market was definitely successful!
A full shopping cart (the granny cart is one I got at the same market about four years ago, I think. And the liner came from curtains that hung in my house three houses ago!)
The ironing board has become a sofa table in the family room. I've been looking for one of these for a while now and found one at the right price.
Kristen and Janna both have one of these stretchy file thingies, and I've always been jealous. But I've never seen another. (Theirs came free from the office where they both used to work.) This one fits perfectly on my bookshelves to hold magazines.
I met two great gals at the market yesterday. They run the Sweet William Market that runs the last Saturday of each month. My calendar's marked...
And with the start of the street market season, the granny cart is out to stay!
Great finds! I'm wishing I could have rummaged alongside you! Reminders of finds (ok, flashy dangly earrings) in the outdoor markets back in England! :) Now you just need a plastic Harrods bag too and the whole transplanted Brit look will be complete! (No wait...a little "screw on" cap would be the icing on the cake!)....yes, it's late and I'm rambling! Miss ya! Keep treasure seeking...
Posted by: Heidi | May 06, 2007 at 06:40 PM
oooo... love the stretchy thing too!
Posted by: capello | May 07, 2007 at 08:57 AM
Wow, you stuffed a lot on that granny cart! LOVE the stretchy magazine holder :-)
Posted by: The NON-Superwoman | May 07, 2007 at 10:57 AM
How much fun, how much fun, how MUCH fun! Ok, fill me you cover the ironing board? Do you add anything to it? I'm not much of an iron-er. My husband would laugh if I bought one and say, yes, at least it has one usage! :)
Let me know next time you go, maybe I can meet you!
Yes, our dates are open in the summer...Let's try to hook up soon.
Have a wonderful day! did it snow there? Check out my pics. It has almost melted away...can you beat it?
Go with Joy, Girl!
PS I can't wait to hear more about the conf. I want to see the ways to humble myself. I pray for brokeness all the time, and patience and humility...all things I need :)
Posted by: Holly Smith | May 07, 2007 at 12:47 PM
Haa My Mum has a granny cart like that but she lines it with a plastic garbage bag. Such a great idea. I will make a liner for her birthday coming up next month. That magazine strechy thing looks great! Perfect for your shelf.
Posted by: erin s. | May 07, 2007 at 03:40 PM
I've heard of this one -- near Littleton I think ? do you live in CO ? this is where I go the more frequently in the US !!! does it mean we could have bump into each other by accident ?!!!
Posted by: Valerie | May 18, 2007 at 12:49 PM