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Marla Taviano

Such cute, cute pics of you and Audrey!

Holly Smith

So glad you made it home and shared these pictures! I'm on the front end of our trip...and with all the packing, I'm already ready to be home :)

May this next week be so very blessed for you and your family!

Lisa R-P

So glad that your flight was uneventful and that the visit went well. I just got back to Wisconsin after a business trip to Phoenix. It took me 23 hours to get home as my flight(s) were cancelled 3 separate times. I ended up getting sent from Phoenix to San Francisco then Detroit then finally home. The joys of modern air travel. So I missed work today -- to get 4 hours of much needed sleep. Tomorrow I am back to work and playing catch up. The positive in all of this was that I had the chance to meet some really nice people along the way who were also stranded in the airport. It warms my heart when people are kind to each other and sometimes it takes suboptimal conditions to force us to pay attention to those around us.

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