After 12 hours in the car we made it to Lake of the Ozarks yesterday afternoon, in time to send the kids and guys to the pool and for Mom and I to head to Wal-Mart--our traditional first outing at the lake. We bought food for the week and piled our cart insanely full.
The woman at the checkout wasn't too friendly or talkative, until the end. "How do you know what everyone will want to eat?" she asked. "Well," we answered. "If they're hungry, they'll eat what we cook!" And really, it's not like anyone usually complains to have Mom and I cook for them. :)
We woke up to pouring rain this morning, so it was a great first day of vacation--stay in your pjs and read Dirk Pitt novels until dinnertime! Wade and Kristen and Ty are on their way here and should get here sometime after dark. I'm guessing that tomorrow will be another lazy day since they'll be tired from driving all day and Ty will need some good naps. The weather's supposed to be better so we'll hang out at the pool and play tennis and such.
Popsicle time...
Soooooooo wish we could have overlapped our Missouri time...we were just there for Memorial weekend and the week following visiting Auston's farm family clan! Have a wonderful time...relax and enjoy all the "show me" state folk!
Posted by: Heidi | June 11, 2007 at 07:24 AM
Totally forgot to add...say "hi" to all the family from me! :)
Posted by: Heidi | June 11, 2007 at 07:25 AM
Have fun at the Lake--I grew up around there and loved every minute. Nothing says summer like 10 cent skeeball on Bagnell Dam!
Posted by: Beth | June 11, 2007 at 03:27 PM
Sounds like so much fun Joanne. Enjoy!
Posted by: Erin S. | June 12, 2007 at 01:20 PM