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  • Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Joanne and I’ve been blogging for many years under the name The Simple Wife (you can see all of my old posts under the archives or by clicking on any of the categories that interest you). I love receiving comments from you and try to respond to each one personally. I hope you’ll visit often!

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Kathryn Stoker

I read about you on Holly's site and decided to find out more about ya. Obviously since you met Holly, I had to see if you lived in this area...and you do!! SWEET! Welcome to Denver too. I work downtown but actually live in Aurora. I'm not a parent, a gardner, or a seamstress, but I do enjoy vintage tea cups. My great niece and I get together for tea parties...good times! Anyway, just wanted to drop by to say hi. Ooooh, I just saw "how to put your hair in a bun." I have a lot of hair...I think I'll go there. Ciao for now.
Many blessings to you.


Wow! Guess the rain the other helped them, too! We did pumpkins one year. Now it just looks like I've stuffed one under my shirt. ;) Oh, how I miss my garden. Maybe next year...
Any good markets coming up? Have you been to the Ballpark Market downtown? I went once last summer, but still like the Paris Street Market more. Guess I'll toodle over their way and see what they've got going on...


I'm back. Looks like there's one (PSM) this weekend. Are you going? It's a long drive from up here, but we had so much fun antiquing last weekend, I'm in the mood to go again.

Lisa R-P

Hi JoAnne,
I wanted to let you know that I moved over to a new blog and plan on posting some crafty stuff in the coming days. If you have time or interest, feel free to check it out.

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