We spent the afternoon and evening with some great friends--friends we haven't seen in years. They drove up from Colorado Springs and we spent the afternoon at the pool, and then made pizzas for dinner. The kids all played and ran around and had a ball.
I love it when you can pick up with friends as though no time has passed at all. We sat around the edge of the pool and caught up on life, learning more about what's been going on in all of our lives since we were last together. Though there have been hard things, it's good to hear that God is good in the midst of it all.
The best part was seeing Audrey and Olivia pick up right where they left off when they were five and we used to go to Taco Bell together every Sunday after church. They took one look at each other, hugged each other, and ran up to Audrey's room to catch up. So very fun to watch!
And I totally forgot about my camera the whole time. Darn.