Yesterday began what we've called The Great Closet Clean Up around here. We pulled everything out of Audrey's closet and dresser and from under her bed and tried on clothes, organized toys, folded tee shirts, and sorted socks. Sounds like fun, huh?
Today is Emma's turn. And then comes the basement.
I have to admit that I kind of like cleaning out closets. Audrey even said, "That was kind of fun, Mom" a couple of times. I think she's getting tired of me telling her to clean her room. Now that she knows where everything is and where everything goes I'm hoping this clean streak will last a while.
something I should do, too... but I started today with the office closet and it's done now ! there's hope...
have a great weekend !
Posted by: Valerie | July 20, 2007 at 06:35 PM