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Lisa R-P

JoAnne, it's nice to know that you struggle with the urge to buy all the pretty fabric just like me. I was starting to think that you were Superwoman disguised as a crafty mom and always finished every project before starting another. Whew -- what a relief :-)

As long as we are being perfectly honest...I too have more fabric and scrapbook paper than I will probably be able to use up in this lifetime. I have reduced my buying exponentially in the last six months, but I still buy a lot. Dear Chris just smiles every time I say that I won't buy any more until I use up what I have. Maybe we could help to hold each other accountable to keeping our stash sizes at a reasonable level?

Marla Taviano

I'm proud of you! You can do it! Maybe start making Christmas gifts early? (oh, and my birthday's in October...)

Holly Smith

Mock you? Ha! Ha! There are worse things than too much fabric; however, when my grandmother died there was a whole room (about 14 X 14) full of bags of fabric from garage sales, stores, etc... It was certainly a symbol of best intentions wasted.

I know you will find wonderful things to make with all that you have! Cheering you on, Sister!
With love and pryaers,


I hear ya girl....I've been working on something someone taught me about Living Simply?!?! ;) (wink...wink...)
I finally let go of stacks of books...honestly...some I can re-read, but I realized I am hoarding and, like you, I don't need bigger barns! You go girl! Go with the purge! Soooooooo cathartic!


I found your blog from Kimberly. I wish I had a Paris Street Market. It sounds wonderful!

I also have a Paris themed bathroom but it isn't as lovely as yours! Beautiful pics of your house. Wow!


Hmm...For me, it's scrapbooking/paper crafting supplies. Not a lot of fabric. Maybe that will change with those upcoming sewing lessons...
I couldn't even find a needle and thread the other day for Rick. Grumble. I finally found them, but made him sew his project. Normally, I'd take care of things like that for him, but it was after we return from the PSM and I was wiped out.
Besides, it was something for the garage and I don't venture out there unless absolutely necessary, or to deliver him fresh cups of tea while he's working. It's too dangerous!


I, too, am on "Double secret probation". But for books...wonderful, heavenly, gorgeous, comforting books.

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