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Lisa R-P

What cute pin-wheel squares. I love them. So many uses for them are running through my head right now. I might just have to make some. Your chair looks like it is coming along well. I'm sorry that the staining didn't work out -- you know what they say about the best made plans. I finished the chair that I was working on. I believe that I mentioned it in a previous comment. Their are pictures posted over on my blog. It turned out rather cute I think.

Holly Smith

I think the squares would also be good for one of those shaggy quilts (you know with the fringy feel?).

Glad you had some fun and finds and friends!
Love ya!

Marla Taviano

I'm a sucker for white painted furniture. Can't wait to see the chair all done!


I love running into people I know when I'm out and about. You're certainly adds to that sense of place and belonging.

Hey, I read some of your old posts about moving to Colorado and learned that you moved from San Diego. I visited San Diego in February and LOVED it. The flowers and the green grass were so good for my heart! Colorado in February is pretty drab.

And I discovered Rubios. Are you a Rubio's fan? I've made a couple of trips to the one in South Denver a few times just for fish tacos! I'm hopelessly in love with their fish tacos.


I love your quilt squares!!!
Wouldnt it be cute to make a chair cushion out of them for your white chair?
That would be great!!!!!!

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