Dear all of you who commented the other day,
I've had your comments saved in my email inbox all weekend and have wanted to sit down and write each one of you back. But I think I'd say the same thing to all of you, so I thought I'd just do one big thank you.
Thank you to all of you for sharing so much of your own lives and heartaches and joys with me through your comments and emails. It's such a privilege to know each one of you. Even though I've not met some of you face to face, I do feel like I know you and count you as my friends.
In a very real way, blogging and "meeting" you has made me long more and more for heaven. Won't it be grand to sit and visit together in eternity? Something makes me think that it's going to be like one big family reunion. And even if we never meet face to face here on earth (though I surely hope we will!), we'll recognize one another and throw our arms around each other with exclamations of joy.
You are so dear to me, and I love you!
hi joanne.
just wanted you to know:
i just discovered your blog and have had an absolute blast looking through everything..especially your projects. girl, you are hardly "simple"!!
have a blessed week!
Posted by: katie | October 28, 2007 at 07:44 PM
I just found you through Preacher's Wife. It is good to "find" you. You truly are a sensitive person. I'm also look forward to meeting in person all the friends I have made through blogging.
I love your blog. Love what you are saying and appreciate it. You inspire me.
I have great friends in Loveland. We live in Oklahoma - transplants from Georgia.
Blessings and congratulations on your blessing win!
Posted by: Merrie | October 28, 2007 at 08:22 PM
Congrats on winning the BM giveaway, Joanne!
Posted by: Susan | October 29, 2007 at 04:02 AM
Love you back! I WILL meet you this side of heaven--it's just a matter of time!
Posted by: Marla Taviano | October 29, 2007 at 06:04 AM
I have really enjoyed my visit to your blog this morning. You have so much talent. I seen on the preachers wife's blog that you won. Congratulations! Wishing for you a good day!
Posted by: Cheryl | October 29, 2007 at 06:42 AM
Love you, too!! Praying for your day, friend.
Posted by: Holly Smith | October 29, 2007 at 07:15 AM
We are TOTALLY going to meet this side of heaven! And I expect to be watching the new BM series you just won!
Hugs and blessings...Susan
Posted by: Susan | October 29, 2007 at 09:39 AM
Checked in on your blog this morning and saw your post from Friday. Thanks for honestly sharing your heart and struggles with us... you have given me much to think about today! At times, it appears that everyone has it all together and it's comforting to know that others deal with similar issues. Praying for you. BTW, I love your new blog look!
Posted by: julie | October 29, 2007 at 01:00 PM