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Holly Smith

Oh we are praying for the families in California! Thanks for the reminder.

I'm so glad you had a wonderful time and made it home safely. Yay God!


Definitely praying for the folks in California. We have lots of friends in the San Diego area. Glad you're home safe! Missed ya.


Don't you feel so powerless watching the San Diego fires?

My old neighborhood in Rancho Bernardo was one of the first to burn (we were one street away from Pomerado and Cloudesly, which was shown on the news - in flames). I'm not sure if my old house is gone. But, I have found the majority of my old neighbors ...who made it to safety.

This is terribly earth shattering news. That city has such a hold on my heart.

Jen Schrock

Of course you now have your own web site that you've figured out all by yourself. Have you started building a rocket in your basement too? Look forward to Thursday!

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