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Lisa R=P

Hang in there and remember life is a journey! I never get my laundry done on one day and am envious that you do. I do a load or two each night. In the end it all gets done -- maybe not exactly when or how you want it to, but it does get done.

Marla Taviano

I'm all about redemption. Wish I didn't have to spend so much time redeeming yucky moments though... ^But yes, life is a journey!!

Holly Smith

redeemed, redeemed...redeemed by the blood of the Lamb!

A little proclaiming it for you...and I confess, I'm glad to know that like me, you have days where nothing you intended to happen does happen and yet you find redemption in the last 20 minutes of the day!

Praying for you friend!

Mary Isabella

Laundry, Laundry everywhere it is slow going somedays . Mary at Daisy Bouquet

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