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« Warning: Seemingly frivolous post here | Main | Off to Fall Fest »


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Holly Smith

Yay Emma! I love your work. You need to sign and number it.

Perhaps, this enlarged, would be lovely on your easel...a great reminder for sure!

erin s

How lovely. I think my list would be the same too, although I would add friends.

Mary Isabella

OUt of the month of babies. That is one for your scrap book. Such a sweet drawing. Mary

Marla Taviano

I just eat up my girls' drawings. So precious!

THANK YOU, dear friend, for my sweet surprise in my mailbox today! It refreshed my little soul! Hugs and more hugs to YOU!!


What a special paper to find!


Sweet, sweet, sweet. My same list, too. I think I would frame it or at least laminate it. Does anyone else LOVE that word..."lam-i-nate" The LAM-I-NA-TOR. side tracked.
Love ya. Susan


plain & simple : I love it !!!!

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