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Don't you love the way that my tall hair makes us look like we're about the same height, even with you in heels?

Cherry Tree Lane

Being a high school sweetheart myself, I truly appreciate this picture!


ADORABLE! I LOVE IT! ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE PICTURE!! I think it's fabulous! You two are very cute! How fun of you to share this picture!

We aren't high school sweethearts, but my husband and I did go to the same school! Only, I was in fourth grade when my hubby graduated!! LOL, he took my matron of honor's babysitter to his senior banquet! Very fun joke fule, almost too easy.

Thanks for sharing!


What a great picture. My husband and I were high school sweethearts,too. We just celebrated our 34th wedding anniversary.

The NON-Supewoman

Cute. Cute. Cute! And funny, because I think I wore those same stockings to prom :-)


I LOVE the hair! On both of you. Being married to my high school sweetheart has made for some interesting conversations with our high-school aged children. You just wait!


Yes, now that is some good/great hair.....lookin good!!!

I love that ya'll are sweethearts. :)

Holly Smith

Gotta love the 80's! You both look very elegant.

And the dress still fits?????? Way to go, girlie!

Praying for you today,



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