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Holly Smith

I believe that was the song that made my knees go weak at your home...not sure. But it does even now make me want to go face down and praise Him!

Calvary came running...Hmmm, I like that!

Bev Brandon

Holly spoke so tenderly, so kindly of you and just wanted to tell I read a couple of your posts and this one I just had to comment on the Calvary and cavalry comment---I'll remember that one since Cavalry is all over my mind...and I am listening to that song lots lately for who can mend my brokenness, not my pain, but my life curved in on myself as someone once said seeing what I have done to put my Christ on that are one awesome writer and I'll just have to go read some more a little later...gotta go back to grading papers! but i just loved this post---you have such a huge heart for your good God and He is all over you...Isa 61:1...

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