Just like it's fun to rearrange things in the house (the girls and I rearranged the basement some yesterday morning--they had to help because I couldn't move the daybed myself and so they learned the joy of moving the same piece of furniture around and around until you find that perfect spot) it's fun to rearrange and update a website.
I've spent some time this morning updating and changing some things around here.
Over there (<------ on the left) you'll see a new thing: My Pages. Listed underneath are some pages I've added to the website. Here's what you'll find when you go check it out...
Around the Web
Here's where you can find me out there in the big webby world. Facebook groups, other blogs I'm part of, that sort of thing.
Favorite Links
Yep, pretty much what it sounds like. Wanna know more about charm bracelets, online Bible study tools, or where to find great fabric? That's where to look. I've also begun to list my bloggy friends and plan to add a list of sites I find inspiring--if I've left you out, be patient, I'm still working on all this!
In the Media
Here's where you can download or link to radio/television interviews I've done. I've also linked to some magazine articles I've written, or been interviewed in. I've organized it by book title.
Reviews & Endorsements
These are endorsements and reviews for my books. Again, I've organized it by book title. Want to add a review of your own? Leave a comment on this page to let others know what you think.
I'm also working on getting a shop up and running as well as some free material that will be available for download...stay tuned. Plus, Toben has ordered me a new Mac since mine is getting old and tired. I'll have a built-in camera and will be able to add some video stuff to this site. So more changes coming...but change is good, right?
As always, I love, love, love hearing from you. I hope you always feel free to leave a comment, ask a question, or just say hello. I really mean it...having the opportunity to "meet" you just makes my day!
I love what you've done to the place! All these changes are so inspiring! And great explanation of it all! (A new Mac is on my list--sometime in '08. Woohoo!)
Posted by: Marla Taviano | October 27, 2007 at 06:40 PM
I love the site!!
Posted by: Betsy | October 28, 2007 at 05:53 PM