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Holly Smith

Yay!! Now of all people I know, you deserve to win...for you have such a giving heart. And it's time you received a gift right back--what a neat give-away from Lisa :)

A retreat sounds wonderful...I'd be there in a heart beat.
Love you friend!!


Yay for you...that is one cool prize. Especially since you're a Beth Moore groupie! *smile*

Lisa R-P

Lucky you! That is a great prize.

A retreat sounds so cool -- if you really organize a retreat for your blog readers I would try to fly in for that. It would be so cool!

Brooke Smith

Congrats on winning the "Loving Well" stuff from Lisa @ thepreacherswife!!!! I hope you and some girls really enjoy this (I am also a Beth Moore "groupie"!!!!


I would come to a retreat like that!!!!


Congratulations! I'm thrilled you won. I stumbled across your blog the other day and loved my visit. So I was thrilled to read on Lisa's blog that you'd won the giveaway. A whole Beth Moore retreat? Whew! Count me in! ;)


Congrats!! I was at the conference that "Loving Well" was filmed....Knoxville a couple of years ago...and have done the retreat this past Summer.
You will love it and you will carry this teaching with you forever. Enjoy!


Congrats on winning the Loving Well package! From what I hear, she's great! Have fun :)

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