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Holly Smith

Yay for jammies!! Boo that school is starting back...never seems to be a long enough break.

I have been happy all the day long for you. Sharing in the joy of my friend winning something that is way better than gum drops :)


I ditto "yay for jammies!" I thought I was the only one who could live in jammies longer than 24 hours! My secret...sometimes I camoflage myself in scrub pants :)
Our fall break was just over...sadness! I have one home (my teen) with mono and the poor thing is exhausted. Is there a legal limit to the number of times she can watch 13 Going on 30?

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife

sounds like a perfect day Jesus is going to give me a craft room - I just know it! :)

Misty Peterson


I was so surprised to "see you" on my blog! I have been a lurker on yours since hearing you on Midday Connection and then reading your book, but have never left a comment (sorry!). You have been a true inspiration to me through your book and your blog. :-) I have past your book on to my sister and a friend, and they both insist that they need a copy!!



Hey darlin' you have pics of your crafy basement area? Would love to see. Will be working on ours this weekend and would really like to get an area set up...just for moi.

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