My friend Janna hosts Fall Fest every year and this weekend is it! This year Fall Fest lasts for a whole weekend, instead of just one Saturday, so I'm headed up to Grand Lake on Friday morning. I'm going up a little early to help Janna get things set up.
I spent some time at her house this past Saturday working on some little goodies for everyone who's coming, and let me just say, Janna does things right. She puts so much thought and care into the whole invitation to Fall Fest is a wonderful thing!
We're working on paper crafts like these this weekend, so I need to get to the store sometime this week to stock up on wooden letters and scrapbook paper. I'd like to make some more As and Es for Audrey and Emma's rooms. And some Hs might be fun for around the house too. Plus, there's the ______ I've been working on for ______ for Christmas...
I've been sitting up here in the loft, working at the new table we got for it this weekend. (Pictures to come soon!) Janna asked me to do a devotional for Fall Fest again this year, so I'm organizing some thoughts for Friday night and thinking of some follow up for Saturday and Sunday too. I'm going to share some of what I'm learning as I've been writing this next book on spending time alone with God. It's always fun to see how ideas and lessons come from so many different sources as I write.
Audrey's just about out of the tub, and I need to go get ready to read to the girls. We started The Sign of the Beaver last night. It's a great read and I'm excited to share it with the girls. It kind of has a My Side of the Mountain feel to it--boy alone in the wilderness--and I LOVED that book as a kid (and as an adult!).
Some books are favourites for eternity =)
Posted by: Puva | October 16, 2007 at 02:11 AM
I posted a picture of my garland on my blog. It did not turn out quite like I'd hope. My kids like it though. :)
Thanks for the info about your jeans. I'm going to search for them online.
Posted by: Sara | October 16, 2007 at 04:54 AM
Our oldest still lists his all-time fave book as My Side of the Mountain.
Fall Fest? Tell more! And pics. I love clicking through your pics and getting ideas.
Posted by: Susan | October 16, 2007 at 08:09 AM
A whole weekend of the same as our luncheon with DEVOTIONS?? Sounds marvelous! Praying for you, friend!
Posted by: Holly Smith | October 16, 2007 at 08:21 AM
And...are you going to post the instructions for making the monogram letters? Or have you already? They are adorable. I would like to make some for My Girl's room!
Posted by: Susan | October 16, 2007 at 08:26 AM