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Holly Smith

Praying for restoration and recreation in the midst of dailyness. I would have loved to have watched Anne with you :)

I'll call soon!
Love and prayers,

Marla Taviano

Anne works wonders for my mental health. Knitting would just add to my distress. Is it COLD in Colorado??


My husband is working from home now and has claimed the entire couch... so now I've claimed the bed! No tv in there so it's knitting all the way! :)


I've not tried knitting yet. But sewing has a calming effect on me =)

Amanda Mayer

Amazing how someone elses messy house (or unfinished laundry!) can bless me. Just confirms I'm not alone in a struggle we all do. Here's joining you in reclaiming some joy today! Gonna spend the day with the girls playing with their aunt! I just know this is going to feel so... right. Thank God for grace! I'll fold my laundry (also from Monday!) later!! (There's still two pair of undies in my hubby's drawer. I checked! So, we're good!)


Yea for glad you had a refreshing morning!



That sounds WONDERFUL! Perhaps I will schedule a mental health day for myself next week! YEAH!

Lisa R=P

I am planning a bit of me time for Saturday afternoon. Chris is helping to put a roof on the new addition at church and the kids have a birthday party. I am going to become one with the couch and a good book or some stitching. Everybody needs some down time every once in awhile. have fun in Arizona! I will pray for your safe travels.



That sounds like a perfectly wonderful way to spend a morning!


I am so happy that you got some downtime!! I have never knit before but I cross stitch which also has a very downtime-calming effect on me! And don't laundry sits for a week in the dryer sometimes! I even once (just once because I learned my lesson)left the laundry in the WASHER for a week.....that was not a very good smell! LOL!

erin s

Sounds like you really needed that break. It's so easy to get caught up in the craziness of everyday life. Good for you for realizing you needed to get away from it all and take care of yourself. Hope you feel refreshed!

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