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  • Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Joanne and I’ve been blogging for many years under the name The Simple Wife (you can see all of my old posts under the archives or by clicking on any of the categories that interest you). I love receiving comments from you and try to respond to each one personally. I hope you’ll visit often!

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I had a lovely time with you and Holly today. You are so warm and thoughtful, and I felt so at ease with you! Thanks for the beautiful basket (my kids LOVED the bread), and for a delicious lunch! It was a blessed day indeed!



looks like all of you had a great time ! :)



It's fun to find your blog via Meredith. I grew up in the Springs, so it's fun to get some glimpses of my home state!

What a treat to get together with friends, and to meet blog friends! It looks like you prepared such a lovely meal and gift--what a thoughtful idea.


Oh...looks SO wonderful! I'm so glad y'all had such a great time! My boss (a Southern Baptist Pastor) thinks the entire "bloggy world" is full of weird, lying folks and says to me all the time, "how do you know they are real? How do you know they are telling you the truth? How do you know they aren't trying to find out where you live?"

Drives me insane! I've stopped discussing my blog and bloggy friends with him. He just can not get it in his head that I have met such awesome women in the blogging realm. You and your lunch dates prove it is true!

Next time, I want in! Besides the fact that I live in Virginia...I'm sure we could work SOMETHING out!



Marla Taviano

^I live in Ohio, Susan! We'll carpool to Joanne's! I must admit, I'm a tad envious of your lunch guests. Someday...

Lisa R=P

OK -- so on the way from Ohio could you swing through Wisconsin and pick me up too?

Seriously, this looks like a lovely, lovely day and I wish that I could have been there. I could really use some good girl conversation and life advice these days -- this profound group of ladies seems like a good group to do just that! :-)

Holly Smith

How very, very wonderful to find a friend like Joanne! In so many ways, my head began to spin when we left, thinking of when we can do it again and how it could be made special and even how to start crafting again. You inspire me, Friend!

Chris said the bread was fantastic! I agree! I agree! And the peach butter was yummy on it. The zucchini awaits a recipe this week and the napkins long to be used in a most special way. The towel and pumpkin have been added as decorations for fall. Oh you have blessed my heart to fullness!

Thank you Joanne...for being you.

PS I didn't have the stomach to try sushi in time, maybe :) It was Tex-Mex all the way, baby.


you're awesome girl. Those baskets are great. The ladies are very blessed to have such a thoughtful friend :)


I just recently read "Living Simply". Your book was a blessing to me. I felt like I was given permission to take life a little slower. Thanks for sharing parts of your life and your faith in the Lord.

Also your jeans in the picture are too cute. Did you sew those patches on the jeans??

Have a great day!

South Carolina (No signs of Fall here, it's 80 degrees :)


It sounds like you had a wonderful time!! And a wonderful day outside by looking at the fantastic is that?!?

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