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I totally know what you are talking about and I love how you pulled this together. I had to copy it and print it and I'll talk it over with God during our time together in the morning.

Holly Smith

Oh yes...'deed I do, Friend! I think of the new rendition of Chris Tomlin's "Amazing Grace," where he sings, "My chains are gone, I've been set free...My God, My Savior has ransomed me..." I could put the word "scales" instead of chains...either way it would be true.

See you manana, mi amiga!
Love you much,


And I also have to many times have you read this book/The Chronicles of Narnia in its entirety???


oh, yes-this is being revealed to me everywhere I turn lately. My pride keeps creeping back in if I don't confess it daily and stay aware of it!


I LOVE this post. I don't particularly like feeling like an onion...layer after layer of stuff that Jesus keeps tenderly peeling back. But it's worth it. And I LOVE the phrase "perfectly delicious". Beautiful.


That was a beautiful post!!! I knew that meme was going to come in handy :)

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