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« Freudian slip | Main | Looking forward to Fall Fest... »


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I know what you mean. Mornings can be really beautiful and perfect! One of the best bits is the sunrise! There was one time I was lucky enough to watch the sun rise when I was on my way to school! I was standing on the bridge and got a perfect view of it! It was simply breathtaking! You might want to give it a try. I think you'll like it!

Take care!

erin s

There is nothing more refreshing and inspiring then a cool crisp Autumn morning. Thanks for sharing!

Holly Smith

My heart just stopped for a moment. You have the most lovely yard and Fall just accentuates it's beauty!!

Talk with you soon Friend! My brain is so very, very full. It was So wonderful to spend Thursday with you...I am blessed to be called your friend.
With love and prayers,

PS True-faced is wonderful!! I have told many about it this weekend.


wow. nice.. really, really nice :)

Mary Isabella

Both of your posts today are breath taking. One shows us the beauty God has painted with his paint brushand the other is the Love he has for us. Plus the love he has placed in our hearts. HIS BLESSINGS Mary

Sue @ praise and coffee

Found you through Holly, beautiful autumn pics!!!



Thanks for sharing your beautiful fall leaves! I grew up in Denver and miss those wonderful colors. I live in the Arizona desert now but could almost "smell" fall in Colorado by looking at your pics. As a child, we used to press those pretty fall leaves between two pieces of wax paper then frame them.

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