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« Looking forward to Fall Fest... | Main | Emma's blessings »


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Lisa R=P

We have a Steve and Barry's and they have great college sweatshirts -- if you need team apparel for almost any school.

Sometimes their sizes run a bit inconsistently -- but in general I like them.



New template?

Sorry, I'm being a little random here. And yes, photos!

Take care!


I can't wait to wear jeans again. I can't wait for the cooler weather that allows me to wear them. I will have to check out our S & B here. Thanks.

Susan if life isn't demanding and busy enough, you now have annoying bloggy friends asking for...nay...DEMANDING tutorials and pictures! We can't help it...we love your ideas and your creations.
Hugs and enjoy your Fall Fest!


Thanks for reminding me that I want to visit Steve and Barry's...there's one at the Citadel mall. I've heard good things about the Bitten line, and with 14.99 jeans, I'm thinking I need to head south!

Enjoy your weekend...I'm so envious!

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