Toben and I flew to Phoenix this morning for the weekend. He's working with a company here and they asked me to come along so we could all meet. So here I am.
I survived the flight (you may not know this about me, but I HATE to fly--it makes me feel all hot and prickly and totally panic-y) by finishing Anne's House of Dreams. After leaving Anne and Gilbert on the bridge at the end of watching Anne of Avonlea the other day I needed to read once more what happens next. There are so many great quotes in this book. Here are some of my favorites:
Diana to Anne: "Married life has its up and downs, of course. You mustn't expect that everything will always go smoothly. But I can assure you, Anne, that it's a happy life, when you're married to the right man."
Anne to Gilbert: "I couldn't live where there were no trees--something vital in me would starve."
The schoolmater's bride to Captain Jim: "I felt dreadful when John and I quarrelled, but underneath it all I was very happy because I had such a nice husband to quarrel with and make it up with."
Captian Jim to Anne: "It won't take long to stay an hour."
Anne on books: "Our library isn't very extensive, but every book in it is a friend."
Captain Jim to Anne about Leslie's pain: "You know if we've got anything about us that hurts we shrink from anyone's touch on or near it. It holds good with our souls as well as our bodies, I reckon."
Captain Jim on a free afternoon: "I took a little trip today to the Land-of-nothing-to-do."
Captain Jim on Martin Strong: "He's lonesome. He hasn't many friends--been too busy all his life to make any."
Captain Jim on marriage and happiness: "Happiness for you all--though, mind you, I reckon, you'll have your troubles and worries and sorrows, too. They're bound to come--and no house, whether it's a palace or a little house of dreams, can bar 'em out. But they won't get the better of you if you face 'em together with love and trust. You can weather any storm with them two for compass and pilot."
And so many others too! If you've never read the whole series, do--you will love them.
I finished last week!! I folded down some pages, so I'll have to share the quotes I liked with you sometime. I'm glad that Anne was a friend on the flight :)
I am thankful for you, Friend! God has and is doing a fun and wonderful new thing here in Colorado for me...bringing friends like Joanne, whom He knew I needed.
I am praying for you and Toben to have wonderful time together, Friend!
with love,
Posted by: Holly Smith | October 05, 2007 at 08:25 PM
Have fun in Phoenix! I love the Scottsdale area -- such good shopping!
Thank you for your prayers. I got the job offer this afternoon -- I need to make a decision by Monday.
Posted by: Lisa R=P | October 05, 2007 at 08:26 PM
Have fun! Reading is an awesome hobby and it's nice to know that you enjoy it. I've been wanting to read so many books. I still have a thing for Enid Blyton books :) But right now, I've got to work on my exams. The books have to wait. Oh well.
Enjoy your trip! And God bless you!
Posted by: Puva | October 07, 2007 at 05:14 AM
Mmmmm...Anne. This winter, I plan to curl up with a blanket, a mug of something hot, and Anne-girl, and spend lots of hours reading through the whole series again. I inherited the set from Gabe's grandma. She loved Anne (called her Annie) even more than me. Have a great week!
Posted by: Marla Taviano | October 07, 2007 at 06:03 PM
hi. i love your site, i came across it looking for something else, but i love your stories and photos! are you from colorado? i noticed the bit on the elk, estes park, etc. i am so it piqued my interest, but i enjoyed your article and photos. looks like a great time by all :)
i was searching for the spy video atv on your site, because it came up when i searched for it, but i can't find any content on it..?? did you write anything about it here?
well, if you did you probably know all about it, but i'll add my two bits anyway! i'd gotten the spy video atv for my grandson and that's all he played with once he got the hang of it. I was a hit! it's been a 2009 best seller, and is on the Christmas 2009 best seller list. they currently have it on sale for $40 off, but they say it'll be out of stock on 12/9, so if you want to get one as a Christmas gift for boys [or girls] i'd grab it now.
it's an Awesome remote controlled atv with a 'spy' camera, 360 degree view, and the kids love to 'spy' on their brothers, sisters or parents :), and they can hear the sound through their headset and watch where the atv is remotely on the video screen. it's really cool! it climbs, some say you can use it form one level to another, and some even talked about through brick walls! anyway, if you've heard about it, it's probably not new news, but if you haven't, you should check it out if you wanna get a Great Christmas gift or birthday gift. it's for kids 7 yrs and up. pretty cool!
anyway, regardless of whether you have anything on the spy video atv, i still enjoyed your site and am glad i 'happened' upon it. Thx :)
Posted by: Spy Video ATV | December 07, 2009 at 11:58 AM