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Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary...hooray for Shonda but poo for me...just kidding....funny my first thought when I saw her name was the same...I grew up in Pullman, my dad grew up in Spokane and my grandparents still live there...I love those stomping grounds...I had aspirations to attend Whitworth as well but not enough Presbyterian scholarships to allow it and I wanted to be able to travel overseas as I became a Cougar at Washington State...small world...

Merry Christmas,


Shonda Whitworth

Thank you!!!

Happy Anniversary! I hope you have a wonderful evening!

And Merry Christmas!

I very seldom win things and I am totally flattered. I look forward to receiving this book cover. I like the brown one with flowers that is in the middle.

Blessings in Christ--

Jennifer Medeiros

Congrats to Shonda!
Happy anniversary to you! What a wonderful evening you have planned! It is so important to have special times with our spouses. Enjoy!!
Blessings to you and your family....
Love Jen

Laura W.

How wonderful that you and your husband get to have a night away!!! Happy Anniversay! and Merry Christmas to you and your DARLING family!

Marla Taviano

Happy Anniversary! Have a blast!

p.s. Is it possible that I "met" you a WHOLE YEAR AGO ALREADY?!?

Wow. Love and hugs to you! Merry CHRISTmas!

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