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  • Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Joanne and I’ve been blogging for many years under the name The Simple Wife (you can see all of my old posts under the archives or by clicking on any of the categories that interest you). I love receiving comments from you and try to respond to each one personally. I hope you’ll visit often!

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Stephanie Troester

Hey Joanne! It's been fun watching these giveaways. I'd love to win this one! Hope your holidays are going well,

Helen Washington

Good morning Joanne,

I was just thinking about passing your link onto a friend who hosts Beth Moore studies at her home...this is such a great gift idea...for all those dog eared member books...

Count me in...


Holly Smith

You are so very talented!

Thinking about you today...praying for a fabulous and restful day.
Much love,

Melissa Jackson

OOOOHHH..Pretty! Count me in, gal!

Sarah Miller

Oh I love this! I am starting the Daniel series in the New Year with two girls friends. We are anxious to dive in and study God's word! Count me in.


Pick me! Please pick me!!

Jamie Smith

I'd love one of these!! Beautiful covers.


Hey! Love these! Do you have one in the same pattern as the change purse that I ADORE??? I would LOVE one! Let me know and, while you can enter me in the contest, I would still love to purchase one, if you have one in the change purse patter that I, did I mention?, ADORE!

Love ya.


Sara Schweitzer

Yes! Count me in.

Marla Taviano

^Cracking up at Susan, whom I do not know, but most definitely ADORE.

I am in for sure!

Cheryl Adams

You are amazingly talented! Hope you're sweet girls draw my name!!!
Merry Christmas!

missi smith

Hi-Yes, I'd like to try and win this week! Thanks for all your great ideas. Missi


Loving all the goodies! You are so talented! Have a great day... :)

Jama Kyle

These are the cutest! Count me in!!!

Lesha Anderson

Thanks for the giveaway :)


Oh I love them all and wouldn't care which one I won! :)

Fran Thomas


How adorable! I would love to win one of these ;-)

Blessings & Peace this Christmas Season!


Count me in. Meredith Ewen.


These are very pretty! Thanks!


These are beautiful and we are beginning Beth's new study on Psalms in January!!! Joy

Jen Schrock

Okay, so the irony is that I came to your site tonight to order one of these...maybe now I won't have to! If I don't win, I'd still like to place an order. :) love, me. PS Carly wants to come over and play with the record player and said she'd drag me along.

Andrea Yanke

These are great!!

Lisa R-P

Me, me, the one over here. Pick me. These are too cute!

Amy @ By His Grace

Pick me! These are so great! We are just finishing up Beth's new study, Psalms of Ascent and it has been a wonderful journey.

Wendy Schulz

Okay, I think I may be getting addicted to your giveaways! :) So cute. You're amazing. You will be in my prayers in the coming weeks as your deadline approaches! Merry Christmas.

Holly Bloemhof

Very fun covers! I'd love to be blessed with one.

Dedra Herod

I love your posts on LPM's blog and just was coming by to say hi! and send you a happy note! Would so love to win a giveaway... Now I am off to read more of your blogs and posts.... :0) Thanks for being here and giving me another cool place to visit! Now get busy on that book deadline... CHOP! CHOP! (My algebra teacher used to scream that at us during exam time! :-) )

Kimberly Roth

Ooh... I've been eyeing these...

Jennifer Medeiros

I think these are beautiful. I became a Beth Moore fan after reading Living Simply. I would love a chance to have one:) Thank you!

Trish Anderson

Lovely, Joanne (as always)! :)



I'd love to win this one! Love your blog! So encouraging!

Cindi Hoppes

"Seasons Greetings!" I love them all! Gorgeous work. Please enter me in your contest. Thanks,Cindi


I would love to have one of these. They are so cute! God bless and Merry Christmas!

Chelsea Garrett

I'm taking my first class this month!


Hi Joanne! I've already picked out the one I want for when your cute girls draw my name. :)

And before you yell at me for being up so late, I just flew in from California and HAD to check my email and a few important blogs. You know, make the rounds. Priorities, right? Now I'm going to bed. Good night!

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife

How inspired is this? Can you imagine thousands of girls in capri's and great shoes toting their adorably wrapped bible study books? :)

Gosh we are gonna be do stinkin' CUTE!

Thanks for the note Joanne!


Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings

Count me in please.

blogged ya:

laura miller

I'm hoping I win!

Shonda Whitworth

Visiting from the Preacher's Wife. I'd love to win. :)
Blessings in Christ


If it's not too late, Joanne, I'd love to enter your giveaway. Thank you so much! And Merry Christmas to you and the rest of your family! :-)

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