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Melissa @ Breath of Life

I do keep a journal. Actually, I write out my prayers. It keeps me from falling asleep, particularly now that I'm an early riser! I've been doing this for about 10 years, on and off. I find when I do journal like this, I'm much more focused & am growing in the Lord. I go back and read them periodically, to remind myself how I felt about certain situations & how faithful God was in supplying my needs.

If you have any more questions for me, email me. I'll be out of touch after tomorrow, until Tuesday night. But I'll answer as soon as I can.

Holly Smith

Yes, I keep a prayer journal from Becky Tirabassi, so I have a page for family, friends, leaders, etc, to pray over through out the years and add requests and answers to prayer. I actually got a new one this year, because the old one was torn in two. I used to use notebooks and have a big chest full of them and Bible study books.

I used to have more writings and reflections, but many of those are on the blog now. I DO re-read old things I have written: poems and thoughts about once every few months.

Also, I keep scriptures that are currently speaking to me and that I'm memorizing.

OH, yes we got snow! About 4 inches, though...and today everybody is preparing for some sledding.

Love you much!


Just recently started doing the journal thing. I try to write my prayers - where ever that takes me. :-)

I do enjoy going back to read through them as it reminds me of where I've been and where God can take me.

BTW, I use a spiraled journal I picked up at Target (or Wal-Mart). Nothing fancy.


I love to journal and I do keep a journal of my quiet times...especially if I feel like the Lord has really spoken to me or to something or someone in my life...I write it down so I remember it...sometimes it becomes the focus of a blog post/piece. I have written down my prayers over the years using the techniques from Becky Tirabassi...I love looking back many years later and seeing the faithfulness of God and how He answered not only in His time but in His unique and powerful way.
I use Moleskine journals for my personal journalling and I use the thin ones that come in packs of 3 for messages/notes from Beth Moore teachings because they fit well in my Bible.
This Christmas I bought my husband and myself each a Life Journal that I think is really has a Bible reading plan included in it as well as a place to write out your prayer list and cardstock perforated cards for scriptures you want to memorize. I am excited for us to use them together.

Probably more than you wanted to know but there you have it...

Oh, lastly, I led a Moms In Touch group for 5 years and I kept a journal of all the scriptures that we prayed for our children each week...such an incredibly powerful "document" of what I have claimed over my children's lives...especially during those times where I was apt to feel like I was not praying enough or with any weight but knowing that God's Word does not return void and without doing what it is promised to me great hope and peace.


Helen (I'm the one with the kleenex box hanging around my neck)

Thanks for the prayers!


I LOVE to journal. I don't use a fancy, special journal...but I do have this weird thing about how my paper feels on the side of my hand as I write. It has to be really soft and really smooth. Suprisingly enough, the most likely candidate for that type of paper is a college rule spiral notebook.

I've journaled on and off since a psych class when I was a senior in high school. Before that, I guess my "journal" was a book of short stories I was always working on...ever since I can remember.

My journaling time is definitely part of my quiet time with God. I can pour out my heart to Him. I can rant and rave to Him. I can write pages and pages and pages at a time or one line sentences like my favorite, "It's Monday and I'm still fat" entry from a few months ago. :)

I write about changes I want to make in myself, in my life. I confess my sins, ask forgiveness and let Him speak to me through it.

I don't often go back through and the reason is that I find the same confessions of sin over and over. The same changes I want to make over and over.

But I will fold over the corner of pages I want to go back over. And I'll highlight or put stars next to entries that I do want to read over. Answers to prayers, etc.

There ya go. Way more than you wanted, I'm sure!

Love ya.


Tina Smith

Joanne,I was looking for your address and came upon your website:) I keep a QT journal with all my blessings listed first. It helps me to see the glass half full and to remember how lucky we are to serve God. Love Tina I still need your address.

missi smith

Hi Joanne-I have a journal that I write in when I need to talk to God and work through my feelings about a subject that I don't really want to talk to anyone else about. I may write in it only every couple of months. I sometimes reread my entries but it's usually sad stuff. I bought a journal that Lisa Welchel has out a year ago that is more structured. This is not working well. I do a day or two and that's it. Overall, I can't say I love to journal. Missi

Queen B

I do keep a prayer journal...I think since I read your book earlier this year! I write my specific prayer requests that day for my husband and those for my daughter. I have an area for things that are kind of a constant request. I have an area for other people and an area for myself. I write down praises...I try to go back and date the answer on the original request. I do go back and read them probably every 3 or 4 weeks. Especially when I feel like I'm stuck, you know? I really want to begin writing a journal that is in more of a prayer form...not just a word or two per request.


Hi! My journals these days are my blog and my Everything Books. More of the Quiet Time things like prayers and Scriptures are in the Books. I've been journaling sporadically for years, probably since college. I do go back and reread, but not usually for quite some time. I go back and reread ones from certain times in my life to see how far I have come along this path of life. I find reassurances that I am not alone, and that, yes, I am growing as a Christian and as a woman even on those days (months) when it doesn't feel like it.


I keep a journal too. I call it my "random book". I write in it as and when I feel like it. It contains multiple stuff such as funny/memorable events, thoughts and even a few sketches here and there. I think you might enjoy having one with you, especially when you don't have a computer with internet connection at hand. Cheers!


Joanne, I have a quiet time journal. I have different sections (praise, confession, requests, thanks, listening, messages (sermons), wisdom, and memorize) tabbed in a 3-ring binder. I've had this binder for close to 20 years ~ I just replace the paper as needed. I keep the full (used up) sheets in a drawer in my small filing cabinet, filed by month and year ~ I tie them together through the 3-ring holes with yarn before I file them. Then I have a record of all of my quiet times. I do go back through them, usually once a month or so ~ I like to make notes on answered prayer.

I'm excited about your new book! I'm looking forward to reading it. :)


Bev Brandon

I have kept one ongoing journal of Scriptures that my beautiful God has spoken to me through.
I have kept one ongoing journal of sayings/happenings that have touched me deeply.
I have kept one ongoing journal of quotes that have touched me deeply.
I journal all the time and go through journals quickly and have stacks of them. But I rarely go back through them.
I journal when I am in the presence of a friend, a mentor, who brings God to me and I do go back over those --- I have 2 authors and 1 friend who hold my story in their hearts and I do go back and read those things they have said to me.
I love words.

Bev Brandon

ps - sorry, you were asking about QT...I do journal my QT but only write the Scriptures and specific words my God says to me and then I have a prayer journal that I write the Scriptures God leads me to pray

Julie Todd

It's a joke around here, as I am the known, Journaler. I have stacks of notebooks full of journal entries. I LOVE to journal. I have several reasons why I love it.

First of all it is a concrete way to get my thoughts out. I just write my heart to God, sharing with Him what is going on in my day, questions I have, heartaches I am feeling, etc. And then I write what I hear Him saying back to me. It is like a book of love letters that we write back and forth to each other. Sometimes it is the "why God" journaling and there's even been a temper tantrum in them.

At the end of the year I review my journal. It is a time where God and I go back and look back over the year together, to remember where He has brought me. He was constantly telling the children of Israel to set up "remembrances". Remembering encourages you to keep going as you see how God came in the midst of it all.

I LOVE journaling and as I said, I have stacks of them filled with words from God written especially to me.

If you want to check out a sample of my journaling, you can see some of what I have written on my blog. The things I write come out of my God sightings in my life.



Hi! Just found your site and enjoy it. I keep a prayer journal daily, which is a spiral notebook. I date the requests and leave lots of blank space after on the page. Then, in a different color ink I write God's answers to my prayers. I just started this last year and it has been wonderful! Also, I use a gratitude journal that is called "Inspirations - A Gratitude Journal." I like the format of it very much because I find having set questions with blanks is better than the "blank page" problem. I have not been as faithful about journaling in this, but I do enjoy using it. I also have a more art type journal which I have kept in a nice hardbound sketchbook. This I use to keep ephemera such as event tickets, postcards, etc. that I wouldn't put in my regular scrapbooks as they may damage photos. I sometimes paint or draw on these pages or use rubber stamps to decorate them so I consider it more of an art journal. This has gone by the wayside this past year, but I really do enjoy the artistic posibilities of this and having a place to put the little papers I accumulate from daily living that remind me of meaningful events.

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